Your Strength is Your Deity: The Real Story

your strength is your deity
your strength is your god

Over the centuries, this world has developed so much. Although technology and fashion take most of the credit for it, people never stopped believing in traditions, culture, and Deity (God).

Following traditions and culture is the most important thing when it comes to Indians. After all, India is the birthplace of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and other religions. These cultures and traditions are renowned worldwide.

Deity (god) only believes in goodness. Most of the Indians believe in god. More than 80 percent of Indians are Hindus and over 13 percent are Muslims, the remaining goes for other religions. Every religion has its deity. Our deity is our strength.

  • Hindus believe in their god and goddesses who has many faces depending on caste and location.
  • Muslims believe in their singular god Allah and follow Islam.

Likewise, we have our own beliefs about our deity, we show faith in him, we pray, and we wish, but what exactly does deity mean? Have you ever thought of it? Do we have an apt answer? Perhaps many people will fail when they ask this question to themselves.

When I thought about this question I got my answer which is…

For me, God is nothing but a hope that everything will be alright when we are in a bad phase.

God means faith that we are not alone in this world when we feel lonely.

God is someone to complain about when no one understands you.

Deity is my strength to fight against the bad things.

All over god is a great belief within me that makes me stand strong in life for everything.

It doesn’t matter whether he exists or not but I believe that he exists in my thoughts which makes me stand firm.

A basic fact is that when we believe someone watching us and helping us to win over everything, we will fight for it by putting ourselves into it. This is nothing but building up confidence in yourself. For me, god is someone who helps us to build that confidence ourselves. Your strength is your deity.

There is a small story about belief in god

Once a Country ruler had three questions in his mind about a deity

  1. From which direction does god watch us?
  2. Where does God live?
  3. What does he do?

He couldn’t get the right answer by himself, so announced in his country that anyone from scholars, scientists, and intellectuals who could answer his question should gather around him. He offered prices for those who answered and punishment who couldn’t.

On fear, no one has arrived, but one shepherd has arrived at that king and ordered “The person who asks is always a student and the person who says is always a master, so I will be seated in your chair and you stand in my place”. King has politely obeyed and given his chair to that shepherd.

Now when the king asked his 1st question, from which direction did god watch us?

Then Shepherd showing the fire lamp, asked the king which direction that light looking.

King answers every direction, then the shepherd says that God is also the same, he exists in every direction.

When the king asked his 2nd question, where does god live?

This time Shepherd said to bring a glass of milk and asked the king to tell where the ghee existed in this milk

King explained the process of exacting the ghee from milk, and then the shepherd said that god will also exist in your pure heart the same like ghee exists in this pure milk, when we need ghee we exact that form milk, the same way when you need help he will be your belief.

When finally king asked his 3rd question, what does God do? Shepherd answered I am one shepherd and you a great king, now I am in your chair and you are at my place, God has got us into this situation, these all are just god things.

Everyone was surprised and the king felt happy about the shepherd’s answers
God exists in ourselves, our pure heart is our God.
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