Even those who worship the Lord daily What is God? They want to know the power of God.
I mean, if you cannot find the correct answer, then read this short story.
In the mind of a king who rules a country, three nonsensical questions are on his mind.
They are about the power of God
Which side is God looking at?
Where is God?
What does God do?
No matter how many times I thought about those questions, I could not find the right answer.
Everyone in the kingdom was called and held a meeting, inviting intellectuals, scholars, and other people.
He would ask himself three questions.
He said that those who come forward to answer them and give the correct answer will get a great reward.
He said I would punish him and send him to prison if he did not give the correct answer.
No one came forward for fear of that. The matter was spread all over the country.
Someone, a shepherd, came forward from a small village.
Many intellectuals and scholars were seated in the royal court.
Before the king could ask the first question, the shepherd directed the matter.
According to the rule, the asker should sit above
The listener is the disciple and should be under

There are conditions.
The king agreed, left the throne, and came down.
The shepherd ascended the throne.
“Three questions now, Maharaja,” said the shepherd.
The first question
Which way is God looking?
The king said, “Answer me.”
The shepherd in the teacher’s place immediately asked him to light a lamp. The lamp was brought and placed in the middle of the meeting.
Maharaja! Where does this lamp look? On my side, on your side? East? West? Above? Below, tell me where to look. He asked.
It looks in all directions,” replied the king.
When such a small lamp can be seen everywhere, can’t God in the form of Paranjothi be seen everywhere?
The light in the eyes of all living beings is Paranjothi Paramatma.
And the second question…
Where is God? that
The king stated
Okay! Put the milk in a small bowl, “said the shepherd.
They brought the milk and poured it into a bowl.
Maharaja! Can you tell me where the ghee is in this milk? ‘
Boil the milk well.
Add the buttermilk and leave them for a few hours.
Yogurt is prepared.
Stir it with a mixer, and the butter will come out. Then the butter is made into ghee, “said the king. ”
“That’s right, Maharaja!
Thus, by practicing the mind and gaining knowledge through the search for truth, one can transform like the Supreme Soul and see God in human form, said the shepherd.
Cheers erupted in the house.

And one more thing.
What does God do? That
I am the shepherd; you are the Maharaja.
I sat on the throne, and I was supposed to sit below.
You, who should sit on the throne, are sitting below the same Paramatma Lila.
Transforming good-doing beings into the best of the above births
God’s work is to divide the offenders into inferior beings in the rebirth.
There was a serious atmosphere in the house.
The king realized that God was in the form of a shepherd.
The king bowed before the shepherd.
He traveled in the same direction.