Nowadays, people are attacked by kidney cancer (renal cancer) at the age of 45.
Role of the kidney:
Kidneys are the most important part of the human body.
They play a prominent role in pumping pure blood to different parts of the body.
They also, produce hormones to prevent kidney blood pressure,
other diseases in the body and to help red blood cells.
Major Reasons for Kidney Cancer:
Overall, this is the problem that so many people in countries are now suffering, and everyone needs to be careful and also should know everything behind this case.
1. Smoking
The survey from specialists
In male-30%
In female-25%
Smoking is the only thing that creates kidney cancer.
2. The second reason is heavyweight—— obesity.
People who are not maintaining and balancing their weight will face this cancer attack.
3. High B.P
This is the main thing that people should be aware of at a certain age to control this and protect themselves from cancer.
4. Some medicines
Pain killers, aspirin, Ibuprofen, and acetaminophen are also one type of creators of cancer.
5. Some other reasons
♦ People who are working in battery companies, paint companies,
and welding portals will easily get cancer because of some harmful powders like
cadmium exposure in their workplaces.
♦ Dialysis patients also easily get cancers.
♦ Genes are another major cause of cancer.

The symptoms of kidney cancer:
•Red urine is the first and most important symptom and also
•Loss of weight
•Loss of red blood cells
•Heavy back pains
•Regular fever
Stages of kidney cancer:
In general, we observe 4 stages of cancer with 3 components.
It may attack one or both kidneys.
Tumor node and metastasis will explain the size of the tumor and indicate which parts are attacked and which are going to be attacked.
In stages one and two the tumor will be 7c.m and maybe it has grown but it will still be within the kidney.
In stage three it will be grown and attack all other nodes and parts of nearby kidneys.
The final stage attacks major parts
Controlling steps for kidney cancer:
We have to stop smoking maintain a limited weight and control B.P.
Prevent harmful pills weather Doctors give you relief for some time. Antibiotics will affect your future health.
If your family has cancer patients, you should be aware of and keep track of your health by regular check-ups.

Treatment and tests required for kidney cancer:
- Blood test
- Urine test
- CT Scan
- MRI scan
- Bone scan
- Blood vessel test
- Ultrasound scan